Clara Rockmore - Theremin
Lado A: http://sharebee.com/f2119b30
Lado B: http://sharebee.com/9902979e
mp3 @ 320
Label: Delos
Country: US
Released: 1977
Credits: Piano - Nadia Reisenberg
Producer - Robert Moog , Shirleigh Moog
Notes: "Premiere artist of the electronic music medium". Performed alongside pianist Nadia Reisenberg.
A1 Vocalise (3:46)
Composed By - Sergei Vasilyevich Rachmaninoff
A2 Song Of Grusia (4:16)
Composed By - Sergei Vasilyevich Rachmaninoff
A3 The Swan (2:56)
Composed By - Camille Saint-Saëns
A4 Pantomime (3:45)
Composed By - Manuel de Falla
A5 Hebrew Melody (5:23)
Composed By - Joseph Achron
A6 Romance (4:47)
Composed By - Henryk Wieniawski
B1 Berceuse (3:08)
Composed By - Igor Stravinsky
B2 Habanera (2:42)
Composed By - Maurice Ravel
B3 Berceuse (4:14)
Composed By - Piotr Illitch Tchaïkovsky
B4 Valse Sentimentale (2:06)
Composed By - Piotr Illitch Tchaïkovsky
B5 Sérénade Mélancolique (7:39)
Composed By - Piotr Illitch Tchaïkovsky
B6 Chant Du Ménestrel (3:58)
Composed By - Alexander Glazunov
Recorded July, 1975 at Producers Recording Studio, New York. Original four-track recording and stereo mix-down were made with DBX noise reduction equipment.
Recording Engineer: Michael Colina
Personal Engineer-Consultant to Ms. Rockmore: Michael Jasen
Cover Painting: Gladys Rockmore Davis
Jacket Notes: Written by Robert Moog using historical information taken from Dr. Thomas L. Rhea's PhD Thesis "The Evolution of Electronic Producer: Shirleigh Moog
Engineer: Robert Moog
Ms. Rockmore's Instrument: Built by Leon Theremin
Ms. Reisenberg plays Steinway Piano
Clara Rockmore's contribution to the electronic music medium is absolutely unique. Hundreds of different musical instruments have been designed and built in the sixty years or so since the fledgling technology of electronics was first harnessed to serve the art of music. Only a few electronic instruments have gained public recognition. For every successful electronic musical instrument, there has been at least one gifted musician who had the foresight to see the instrument's musical potential, the discipline to develop the necessary playing technique, and the musicality to use the instrument to produce beautiful music. The theremin is probably the most original, novel, - and difficult to play - of all electronic musical instruments. Ms. Rockmore has dedicated a major part of her professional career to developing theremin technique and performing widely acclaimed concerts of instrumental music to sophisticated, discriminating audiences. She has shown the theremin to be a valuable musical resource, capable of producing beautiful music and worthy of the dedication of talented performers. No other artist has ever come close to Ms. Rockmore's level of achievement; no other thereminist has ever produced music of such beauty and aural appeal.
Robert A. Moog
I consider Clara Rockmore the foremost, unique and extraordinary Theremin concert artist.
She is the only one in the world who was able to achieve the intricate mastery of the instrument combining it with rare musicianship and most sensitive interpretive qualities of the highest caliber.
Leon Theremin
gracias a kfw de la gran t!