[info] ICST



"The ICST was founded in 2005 by Gerald Bennett and Daniel Fueter as a research institute of the former Zurich Conservatory to establish itself as a specialist centre in Switzerland for research in the area of music and new sound technology.

The research projects of the ICST are concerned with 3-dimensional sound projection, digital sound generation and control as well as psychoacoustics, generative art, composition, e-learning and the archiving and documenting of electroacoustic music. The results are presented in the form of software, hardware, publications, contributions to international symposia and festivals as well as through the realization of compositions and artistic projects. The ICST is particularly well known for its development of hardware and software for the surround technology known as ambisonics.

The ICST is also involved in the bachelor and masters programs in Electroacoustic Composition, in the certificate of advanced studies in Computer Music and in summer courses at the Zurich University of the Arts.

Visits by guest composers, talks, concerts and workshops are regular activities of the Institute. The ICST media library and the ICST electroacoustic music archives offer one of the biggest collections of their kind for researchers and students alike."
