[convocatoria] Obras para live-electronics y contrabajo - Compositores Europeos

European Conference of Promoters of New Music
5º competición europea para proyectos de live electronics.
Edición 2012, para contrabajo. Fecha de cierre: 1 de Abril.

5th European competition
for live-electronic music projects,
edition 2012, for double-bass
Deadline: 1 April 2012

The ECPNM – European Conference of Promoters of New Music hosts the fifth European competition for the composition and interpretation of live-electronic music projects.
The organising partners of this competition are members of the ECPNM such as:
EULEC in Lüneburg / Hamburg, Germany; MISO Music, Portugal; Gaudeamus Music Week,
the Netherlands, and ISCM – International Society for Contemporary Music

The organizers of this competition are looking for project proposals that demonstrate in an innovative way new possibilities for the combination of instruments and live-electronics as well as innovative use of live-electronics with the composer as a performer. A maximum of two projects in each category will be selected by a jury (representatives of the above-mentioned organisations); these projects should be pre-produced by the applicants and will then be premiered at a final concert during the ISCM World New Music Days 2012 on 3 or 4 November at De Singel in Antwerp, Belgium. Further performances will take place during events of the organisations mentioned above in 2013.

1. Entry of projects.
· Entries are possible into 2 categories:
- 1. works involving double-bass or electric bass guitar and live-electronics, to be performed by the German double bass player John Eckhardtwww.johneckhardt.de the live-electronics part should be developed in a way that the pieces can eventually be performed without the composer being necessarily present; a sound engineer with experience in programmes such as Super collider or Max MSP should be able to perform the piece) . Works for electric bass guitar and live-electronics should first be co-ordinated with the performer John Eckhardt.
For more information concerning the instruments or concerning questions of technical requirements/sound engineering please contact John Eckhardt at john.eckhardt@gmx.de
- 2. works for live-electronics only or with any traditional instrument and live-electronics, in which composer and performer are the same person
· The competition is open only to composers with a European citizenship or composers and interpreters living in Europe since at least 10 years.
· The maximum age of the composer is 40 years.
· Entries consist of a musical and technical description of the project. The project descriptions should be in English, German or French.
· The duration of the entered projects should be between 8 and 12 minutes.
· The projects should be fit for performance using a stereo or quadraphonic loudspeaker system (PA- and video equipment is provided by the concert hall); furthermore the composers should be able to bring their own performance material / instrument / equipment.
· The use of video or image is allowed.
· The proposed project should be a new work. The entry however should include a presentation of previous work(s) of the composer (by means of live-recordings on CD or DVD or in another digital version).
· Furthermore the entry should include a biography of the composer, address, date of birth.

Entries which do not fully apply to the conditions mentioned above will not be considered by the jury.

2. Selection of projects
A jury, consisting of representatives of the above-mentioned organising partners, will study the proposals and will select a maximum of six projects for performance. The selected projects will be pre-produced by the selected composers and premiered at one of the ECPNM-members’ festivals in the fall of 2012 (to be confirmed). After the performance one project will be selected as prize winner.
During the seasons 2012/2013/2014 the prize-winning project will be programmed by the organising partners; further performances (possibly also including those of the other selected projects) may be possible at activities of other members of the ECPNM.

Deadline for entry of projects is: 1 April 2012.

Entries should be sent to:
ECPNM, Loevenhoutsedijk 301, 3552 XE Utrecht, the Netherlands
Tel.+31.30.8200111, e-mail info@ecpnm.com,www.ecpnm.com